Цель: воспитывать
внимательные, дружеские отношения в семье, учить выражать любовь к своим
Дополнительные пособия: аудиозапись (2
песенки по теме: ABC-song, песенка об алфавите, запись к учебнику; песенка “The
more we are together”), карточки букв и транскрипционных знаков, табличка
глагола to be в его разных формах в Present Simple, рисунок ABC, рисунок семьи,
семейные фотографии, предметы для сценки по теме (настольная лампа, тетрадки с
оценками, альбомы и фломастеры).
I. Начало урока. Организационный момент
Stand up, children. Let’s begin our lesson.
Good morning! Good morning! Good morning to you!
Good morning, my children! I’m glad to see you!
Good morning! Good morning! Good morning to you!
Good morning, our teacher! We are glad to see you!
Teacher: Sit down,
children. Answer my question: How are you?
I’m fine, thanks.
I’m fine too, thank you.
Teacher: Children, ask me
the same question.
Pupils: How are you?
Teacher: I’m fine too, thank you!
II. Представление темы и задач урока
Teacher: Children, look
at this picture. Our topic is called “My family”. Let’s recite a small
poem (стишок с гимнастикой для пальцев рук).
Mother, father, sister, brother
Hand in hand with one another.
– Сегодня на уроке мы будем повторять буквы, буквосочетания, звуки, слова
по теме, чтобы уметь отвечать на вопросы, беседовать, рассказывать о своей
семье и выполнять тесты.
III.Фонетическая зарядка
Teacher: Our topic is
called “My family”. The ABC is a family too. It’s a big family of the letters.
Let’s repeat the letters of the ABC and the sounds. Look at my cards. Name the
letters and the sounds.
The letter – Aa; the sounds – [ei] [a:]
The letter – Bb; the sound – [b]
The letter – Cc; the sound…
Let’s repeat the ABC-song (на форзаце учебника). Open your textbooks. Read the song after me,
please. Let’s sing the song all together.
Well done! Thank you!
IV. Отработка лексики по теме “My family”
Teacher: Let’s repeat
some rules of the spelling. Spell the letters, please (буквосочетания на таблицах):
th (язык между зубами, с голосом, звонко и без голоса, глухо).
-er (в конце слов, безударный звук э).
о (перед n, th – краткий звук а).
gh не произносится.
au – долгий звук о в слове «дочь».
Используются карточки транскрипционных знаков.
Teacher: Read the words on the
blackboard (слова на карточках, буквосочетания в них выделены красным,
зеленым и синим цветом).
– Children, remember these words, please.
V. Беседа по теме “My family”, мини-диалоги в парах,
песенка в вопросах и ответах
Teacher: We are going to
talk about our families.
1) Let’s sing the song “How is your mother?”
How is your mother?
She’s fine, thanks.
How is your father?
He’s fine, thanks.
How is your sister?
She’s fine, thanks.
How is your brother?
He’s fine, thanks.
2) Мини-диалоги (вопросы и ответы по теме на основе спетой песенки).
Teacher: And now, children, I want you to ask each other about
your mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. Talk in pairs, please.
Pupil1: How is your
mother (sister)?
Pupil2: She’s fine,
Pupil1: How is your
father (brother)?
Pupil2: He’s fine,
Pupil1: How are you?
Pupil2: I’m fine too,
3) Ответы детей на вопросы учителя об их семьях.
Teacher: Children, answer my questions about your
families, please.
1. What is your mother’s (father’s, sister’s,
brother’s) name?
My mother’s name is…
My father’s name is…
My sister’s name is…
My brother’s name is…
2. How is your mother (sister)?
Pupils: She’s fine,
3. How is your father (brother)?
Pupils: He’s fine,
Teacher: Children, let’s
have a little rest. Stand up, please. Let’s do some physical exercises and
recite the poem.
Hands up.
Hands down.
Hands under the table.
Sit down.
VI. Представление сценки по теме “My family”
Teacher: And now we can
see a scene on our topic. Look at our actors, please. They are a mother, a son
and a daughter. Listen to the conversation and understand it.
Вечер. Дети дома. В ожидании мамы с работы они рисуют.
Стук в дверь.
Son: It’s mummy!
Daughter: It’s mummy!
Son: Hello, mummy!
Daughter: Hello, mummy!
Mother: Hello, my
children! How are you, my sonny?
Son: I’m fine,
thanks. I’ve got the five!
Mother: I’m very glad!
Thank you! How are you, my daughter?
Daughter: I am not so
good. I’ve got a bad mark.
Mother: Don’t cry, my
Daughter: My mother is so
kind! I love my mummy!
Son: I love my mummy
Mother: I love you, my
dear children, too!
Teacher: Thank you,
children. You are good actors. Go to your places, please.
VII. Монологи по теме. Описание семейных фотографий.
Аудирование речи учителя и одноклассников
Teacher: And now,
children, let’s speak about our families. And I begin with my story. Look at my
photos, listen to me and understand.
It’s my family. My family is not very big. It’s my mother. My mother’s name is
… It’s my father. My father’s name is… It’s my husband. My husband’s name is…
It’s my daughter. My daughter’s name is… She is in Class 9. It’s my son. My
son’s name is… He is in Class 5. We are good friends. I love my family.
Teacher: Children,
describe your photos, tell us about your families, please.
Pupils: Look at my
family photos.
It’s my family. It’s my mother. My mother’s name is…
It’s my father. My father’s name is …
It’s my sister. My sister’s name is…
It’s my brother. My brother’s name is…
It’s me. My name is …
I am in Class 5. I am (not very) good at school. I love my family.
Teacher: Children, thank
you for the stories about your families. You are happy children, you have very
good families!
VIII. Работа по правописанию лексики по теме “My
Teacher: Children, we
learn to write the words on our topic.
Teacher: The task 1. Look
at the blackboard. You can see some words on the blackboard. Find the mistakes
in the words and correct them, please. Write the words on the blackboard
2. san
3. dote
4. famili
5. ant
6. siste
7. mathe
8. fathe
9. granmathe
10. brathe
Первое задание закрывается от учеников.
Teacher: The task 2. Fill
in the words on the cards with the missed letters.
Для сильных учеников – задание более сложное. Записать из транскрипции
по-английски слова: мать, бабушка, сестра, отец, семья.
Teacher: Are you ready
with your tests? Give me your tests, please. Thank you.
Teacher: The task 3.
Let’s repeat the forms of the verb to be.
to be
I am
You are
They are
She is
It is
– And now, children, fill in the sentences with the
right forms of the verb to be, translate the sentences into Russian. Таблица с формами
глагола “to be” закрыта.
Задания для сильных учеников.
– Make up sentences, translate the sentences into
Teacher: Are you ready
with your tests? Give me your tests, please. Thank you.
IX.Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов
Teacher: We are good
friends in our families. We love each other very much. Look at the picture of
the family. Let’s sing the song “The more we are together” (с жестами).
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are.
For your friend is my friend,
And my friend is your friend.
The more we are together, the happier we are.
– Our lesson is over. I thank you for your good work.
Your marks are following… Your homework for the next lesson is to write
the crossword on our topic “My family”. (Учитель убеждается в
том, что ученики поняли домашнее задание). Good bye, my dear girls and boys!